About the Forum

Who are we?

Forum IA Québec supports the development of Quebec’s artificial intelligence ecosystem

Our mission

The mission of Forum IA Québec is to use AI as a lever for the economic and social development of Quebec. It pursues this objective:

  • by rallying and mobilizing stakeholders in the field around common projects
  • by carrying out monitoring and strategic thinking activities
  • by representing and promoting the ecosystem in Quebec, Canada and abroad

The Forum will also support government stakeholders in their efforts to adopt artificial intelligence in an ethical and socially responsible manner, and in the elaboration of policies to support the sector.

  • Our strength : diversity

    We bring together all the different types of players present in the ecosystem (research centers, AI startups, user organizations, etc.)

  • Our target : Quebec’s economic development

    We are helping Quebec position itself as a leader in the responsible production and use of AI

  • Our stage : the world

    We represent and promote our AI ecosystem in Quebec, in Canada and abroad

Our core mission


Forum IA Québec relies on a small team of versatile, inventive and dynamic professionals. Each one of them has a strong knowledge of Quebec’s AI ecosystem and its needs, of economic development issues and of collaborative practices between the private sector, the public sector and the education and research sector.

Marie-Paule Jeansonne

President and Chief Executive Officer

Marie-Paule holds a Master's in International Affairs, with a focus on international finance and economic policy, from Columbia University-SIPA, and a Bachelor of Laws from Université de Montréal. Marie-Paule took over the leadership of the Forum after working on the adoption of research, science and innovation policies within the Quebec government. Previously, she was an engagement manager at McKinsey & Company and a commercial litigation lawyer at Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg. Between 2016 and 2018, Marie-Paule took part in Québec’s first efforts to structure its rising AI ecosystem.

Kim Desert

Director of Communications

After obtaining a Master's degree in Public and International Affairs (Université de Montréal), Kim worked as a press secretary and then as a research professional at Université de Sherbrooke.

Anne Boily

Director, AI Ecosystem Performance

Prior to joining the Forum, Anne completed her PhD in Political Science (Université de Montréal) in 2021. Her dissertation focused on the ethics of artificial intelligence from the perspective of policy makers. Previously, she obtained a master's degree (University of Ottawa) and a bachelor's degree (Université Laval) in political science. She worked as a lecturer at the Université de Montréal in 2019 and 2021 (Political thought and Canadian politics), as well as a researcher.

Sarah Gagnon-Turcotte

Director, Artificial Intelligence Adoption

Sarah Gagnon-Turcotte spent her career working at the intersection of research, public policy and technology. She has held several high-level policy positions within the City of Montreal and has worked as a researcher and research manager in academia, the private sector and international organizations. Passionate about innovation, she has been exploring for years the issues associated with technology transfer and the governance of data and AI. She holds a bachelor's degree in international relations from the Université de Montréal and a master's degree in international law from UQAM.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of Forum IA Québec is composed of individuals active, in various capacities, in the artificial intelligence sector. Based throughout Quebec, Forum IA’s directors come from the business sector as well as from the AI research and training community. Currently, nearly half of them are women.

  • Pierre Boivin, Chairman of the Board

    President and Chief Executive Officer


  • Alain Lavoie, Treasurer

    President and co-founder


  • Vincent Aimez, Secretary

    Vice-Rector, Valorization and Partnerships

    Université de Sherbrooke

  • Chris Arsenault



  • Julien Billot


    Scale AI

  • Narjès Boufaden

    Chief Executive Officer


  • Representative of other ecosystem actor

    Position to be filled

  • Isabelle Cayer

    Executive Director

    CDRIN (CCTT of Cégep de Matane)

  • Hélène Desmarais

    Founder and Executive President

    IVADO Labs

  • Lyse Langlois

    Executive Director

    International Observatory on the Societal Impacts of AI and Digital Technologies

  • Martin LeBlanc

    Chairman of the Board of Directors

    Montréal InVivo

  • Jean-François Lessard

    Senior Vice President and Chief Data Officer

    Intact Financial Corporation

  • Sylvie Normandeau


    Pôle montréalais d’enseignement supérieur en IA

  • Valérie Pisano

    President and Chief Executive Officer


  • Sam Ramadori


    Brainbox AI

  • Luc Vinet



Advisory committees in support of Forum IA Québec's priority projects

The Forum consults and engages its partners in priority workstreams, ensuring that it understands and reflects the needs of the AI ecosystem.

Measuring the performance of the Québec AI ecosystem (Performance workstream)

  • Lynda Robitaille, Directrice administrative, développement et partenariats, Institut intelligence et données, Université Laval
  • Valérie Pisano, President and CEO, MILA
  • Julien Billot, CEO, Scale AI
  • Daniel Denis, Economist, Advisor, Institut du Québec
  • Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, President and CEO, CIRANO & Professor, Polytechnique Montréal
  • Representative of the Ministry of Economy and Innovation

Development and improvement of the Vitrine IA Québec (Vitrine workstream)

Promoting Québec's expertise and democratize AI (Promotion workstream)

Accelerate the adoption of AI in all key industry in Québec (Adoption workstream)

The advisory committee will be established sometime in 2022.